maritime 2021…2023

Painting continuously for the last nineteen years, I find the love of the sea a place to
begin a painting.
I always want to live near the ocean ,I love the country landscape with all its colour and
diversity but the ocean calls me back.

The changing light the sound of the waves and colours of the water really draw me in.
Invigoration is the effect it has.
The architecture of the coal ships in the harbour here in Newcastle, the enormity of the
coal industry and the working harbour are a fascinating series of subjects to work with.
Mark making and gestural drawing as much as actual painting is what I love to do, that’s
why Soft Pastel features in my work as it is a drawing medium.
Time and place also play a part in the same form that a diary would, recording times of
day and effects of light,and transitional moods.
I can return again to the same subjects but every day they are different presented in a
different light and the potential for change is always there. Sometime a small
spontaneous sketch is as valuable as one that has hours spent on it.
My involvement in the surrounds, the photography the light and the subject has to be
searched out and found before it can be committed to paper.
I enjoy developing my art practice when painting and teaching in Newcastle in the
summer months, which is when I focus on the use of traditional materials such as Oil
and Soft Pastels.
Subjects include Maritime scenes, Seascapes and Landscapes.
It may seem like second nature but it has been a long road of discovery to find my voice.
My philosophy is to keep an open mind and devote my life to always learning something
Memberships include the Australian Society of Maritime Artists,
Pastel Artists of Australia. Victorian Pastel Society . Newcastle Society of Artists.




Current work

Lights and Reflections Newcastle Harbour Oil available
Venice Canals Pastel available

examples of larger maritime paintings